Today I passed my CWDP-302 test. I was very happy to have received a decent score. I prepared for the exam by reading the CWDP Certified Wireless Design Professional Official Study Guide. I was not sure what to expect on the exam as this book does not have the practice questions like other books. I found it helpful to have design experience from work. I found many of the questions to be subjective. I could have selected two answers and supported them both based upon a certain explanation. I would like to know which questions I missed so that I can understand the reasoning behind their selection of one answer over another.
I will now turn my attention to CWAP. It feels great to be one certification away from tackling the requirements for CWNE. I have scheduled my CWAP exam for March 27th. I like scheduling the tests one after another. It holds my feet to the studying fire. I have a feeling I will enjoy studying CWAP better than CWDP. I found CWSP to be very enjoyable. It was very specific whether an answer was correct. This is how security works. This does this. This does this. This is very different than that. In any event, I am incredibly grateful to be getting so close to a big goal. I look forward to consuming the content in the next course and experiences beyond. Skål!